Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Baseball's unofficial end

Viewed by many on TV, the PA team fell to MD 4-0 in another somewhat uneventful tournament game. It was 0-0 going into the last inning with a total of around 3-4 hits for the entire game. In the sixth, PA's left fielder made a great diving attempt on a soft line drive that found the painted grass in left field for a double. The next batter roped a base hit to right field that scored the winning run. A HR later that inning ensured the win for MD.

If there is one tip for shooting baseball it's that you have to be ready on every single pitch. Finger on shutter release button, right eye in viewfinder, left eye on batter. Why do you have to keep an eye on the batter you ask? At this stage of the tournament you have kids pitching that look like they drove their parents to the game. They throw gas! When you are in the first base photo well and right-handed batters are late on a fastball, they head in my direction....quickly! I had to duck out of the way about five times during the 6 games I covered in Bristol. During the game Monday night, we had another screamer heading in our direction and that was slowed by one of ESPN's mics that was mounted in the photo well. The mic was facing the opposite direction after the hit, but could have easily pegged one of the six photographers in the photo well. I'm getting off point is a game that can put you to sleep as a photographer when there is a pitcher's duel, but if you take a break for one pitch, it can be the game winning HR, the shortstop makes a diving play OR you can get drilled with a line drive.

With the regional tournaments over and no other baseball games scheduled (at this time), Monday night was the unofficial end of Curtis Sports Imaging's baseball coverage for 2007. Thanks to everyone that supports our coverage and purchased action photos of your athlete in action! Because of you we can continue providing you with this great service.


FunnyGal KAT said...

Glad to hear you were able to get out of the way of the ball!

I have wondered how many photos you guys take during a game because of what you said... if you take a little break, you could miss shooting the biggest play of the game. You must appreciate not having to shoot that many photos on film anymore!

sj said...

you make me wonder, BAC.. with your "looks like the pitchers drove their parents to the game" comment (v funny) what do you think Barry Bonds looked like in little league when he was at bat?

oh wait - it wasn't until his late 20s that he hit his big growth spurt, right?